Little Miss Jane at 17 mo

I know I just posted about Arden a couple days ago, but I can’t help but want to post about Jane as well:) 

Jane is 17 months, and SASSY AND SPUNKY as ever! She is so incredibly smart–very skilled especially in the areas of communication and interactive play. She is my little socialite. She wants to be IN on the action, right next to me or daddy (usually being held), and to talk to us and play. 

She loves to dance and play “hard to get” by saying “no” with an attitude when we ask for a kiss or running away when we want to pick her up. 

She is STRONG, especially for as tiny as she is. She does not let her size slow her down or hinder her from being right up on the big kid playground with Arden. And boy does this little chica still love to eat!! 

She’s got 8 teeth with a couple on the way. I’m not sure what she weighs at his point, but at her 15 mo appointment she was 10th percentile for both length and height. She eats more than Arden and apparently has an amazing metabolism because I am CONSTANTLY changing her diapers. She’ll go through three diapers in the time it takes Arden to fill just one. 

For all her spunk and independence she likes to assert, she is our little sweetheart, and it comes out when she is sick or right before bedtime. She loves going “nigh-night” now, which is a miracle if you’ve been following along especially during her first year. It’s a BREEZE. She grabs her blanket, we turn on the sound machine, sing a song and I put her down. It’s amazing!! She takes one 2-3 hr nap a day and sleeps about 12 hours at night. I am soaking it all in, and do not take it for granted after last year;). 

She loves her “yaya” (water), and asks me to fill it up constantly all day long. It’s her comfort item these days:). 

She is talking up a STORM. I thought Arden talked a lot at this age, which he did–but it was mostly babble. I’m constantly amazed at how clearly she communicates. There’s really almost no babble. It’s funny how different she and Arden are. I mean, she already has some two and three word sentences for crying out loud! 

One thing her and Arden DO have in common is the emotions :) she feels intensely as well, though her emotions do  change with a little more frequency than Arden’s. We’ve got quite the spirited household over here:)

Her favorite activities are eating, reading books, cuddling and pretty much whatever Arden is doing :) she’ll play with just about anything. 

She’s been sick lately, which has been really sad 😔 some of these pictures are of her cuddling me/asleep on me because that’s what the past week and a half have been like. She got a stomach and then some kind of cold or allergies. Poor thing has been through a lot. 

(Pictures are from April and May 2016)



  1. triciawahlquist · · Reply

    Those are some seriously cute pictures! Joey’s even keeled nature is outnumbered by the spirited 😄

    Sent from my iPad


  2. Just precious!!

  3. gentry1943 · · Reply

    Great pictures. Happy to see Jane back to her spunky cute self. Love you all.

  4. Molly, love the pictures and hearing about her personality. Sounds a lot like her mom. ;))

    Please pray for me as I pray for you.



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